Sunday, November 1

30 Days of Thankfulness.

November, of course, is the month in which we set aside a day for Thanksgiving.  This year, I want to do better than that.  I want to be thankful every day.  So, for which ever date it is, I will post that many things that I am thankful for.  For example, on the 1st I'll post one thing, on the 2nd, two, etc.  Would you like to join me in being thankful?  If so, post on your blog, but leave a comment here with your link and I'll read those things you are thankful for.  If you don't have a blog but would like to participate anyway, just leave your thankful post in the comment section for that day.  God has been so good, and I am so blessed! 

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Just saw this post....Count me in!