Tuesday, August 17

16 or 61...doesn't matter

My "baby" turned 16 yesterday!  So hard to believe!  On the way to school yesterday morning we had this conversation:

Mom: It's hard to believe my baby's turning sixteen.  You'll always be my baby, even when you're sixty one.  You know that, right?

Seth:  Yeah, I know.  But you'll be dead by then!

Hmmm....thing is, he's probably right, cause that would make me 93!

And today, he got this:

Can you tell he's proud of himself?  Passed his driver's test with no marks against him, 100%!
So proud of him!

Guess I know if I'm not dead when he's 61, he'll be able to chauffer me around.

That's six kids taught to drive and got their driver's license, and none to go.  He's the last one.  Woo Hoo!!

Happy Birthday, Seth, I love you!

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