Friday, July 2

Hmmm...what not to do on your vacation...

On your summer vacation to the beach, I highly recommend that you NOT get sun poisoning so that you look like you could star in Avatar minus the make-up application, sit for three and a half hours in a walk-in clinic and get a shot in your nether regions.  I guarantee you it will not be the highlight of your trip. 
 I know.
Been there. 
Done that.
 Definitely not fun.


  1. If I was there I would have drove you...seems like I owe you from years past....

  2. Yeah, I kind of relived those memories during the three hours I was waiting! 'Preciate it!

  3. Debbie4:35 PM

    Oh, so sorry :( Hope your feeling better now? But on the bright side... at least you weren't 8 months pregnant!!! I so remember and can feel your pain!!!!

  4. Hey Deb, Feeling all better and had a great last day today. Packing and getting ready to head home in the morning. So don't want it to end.
