Sunday, February 7

It's Been Busy 'Round Here

I haven't posted in a while, actually about 16 days.  Things have been quite busy around here.  Kylie had a birthday on the 25th and turned 4 years old. 

I've also done some babysitting and spent quality time with my grandkids.

We had a snowstorm,
and made this special treat.
 On the 27th, Jason and I went to pick up Tristan.  It was the first time we'd seen him since he was about 2 weeks old.  He's 4 months old now.  This time, everybody got to meet him.

.  He's been with us since the 27th, but he's going back to his mommy tomorrow.  He's stolen my heart!  He's such a good baby, hardly ever cries, and will laugh and coo, and tell me how good he is. 
Jason has taken right to taking good care of him.  He's the one who gets up in the middle of the night with him, feeds him, talks to him, plays with him, bathes him, etc., and occassionally, he'll let me get in on the action. 

My heart is already breaking to think that when I come home from work tomorrow, he won't be here.  Please remember Tristan and Jason in your prayers, and if you have an extra moment, remember his Mammy too. This is one of those "hard things" I'm having to trust God for. 
This is Tristan the night he came to stay with us.
And this is Tristan now.
 I'm sure gonna miss the little fella!


  1. Thanks for the pictures!

  2. Your welcome, Amy. I miss the little fella already.

  3. Debbie8:40 PM

    Tristen is adorable!! Tell Jason I am so proud of the way he takes care of his beautiful son!!! I know you must really miss him but hopefully he will be back real soon!!!

  4. Thanks, and I'll tell him. Hopefully, we'll get him back Sunday.

  5. Punky :)12:44 AM

    Ah! I wish I could've came to see him...He's beautiful!! And that means a lot comin from me;) haha!
