Sunday, November 8

Day 8 of 30 Days of Thankfulness

I'm thankful for

(30)  The Brady Rochester family being with us in service today.  They were truly a blessing.

(31)  The message Bro. Rochester preached this morning from Genesis 45:27-28, on how when God fills your wagon, "It Is Enough".

(32)  Knowing that what God has given me is enough!

(33)  The message Bro. Rochester preached tonight from Psalms 92:1, on "It Is A Good Thing To Give Thanks Unto The Lord".

(34) The fact that the keys my father in law accused me of stealing were found today on top of his refrigerator where Mamaw had put them.

(35)  The day I get off in the middle of the week this week.

(36)  The job I have where I don't have to worry about what goes on in the workplace.  All of the people in my office are Christians and attend church regularly.

(37)  Payday this week.


  1. Hey,can i borrow some money?
    He,he,....just kidding!


  2. Before I tell you no, how much do you need? Then I'll tell you no...just kidding! Got your Christmas shopping done already?
