Friday, November 6

Day 6 of 30 Days of Thankfulness

So thankful this morning that

(17) My friend Peggy's son, Shaun, and my children's friends, all stationed at Fort Hood, are safe this morning.  Praying for all those at Fort Hood and their families.

(18) My two sons and son-in-law that have served this great country are all alive and well today.

(19) I have the opportunity to go and help today in a local Veteran's Day celebration honoring those who have served our country, some who have made the ultimate sacrifice.

(20)  That there are people willing to fight for our freedoms and for the families who stand behind them.

(21)  I have an awareness of what it means to be a part of those families.

(22)  We have a God that is greater than all our enemies!

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