Sunday, November 29

Day 29 of 30 Days of Thankfulness

I'm a little behind in my 30 days of Thankfulness due to a hectic few days. So, I'm just gonna combine days 27-29 today.

I'm Thankful

(351) For the good Thanksgiving we had with family.

(352) That those who have been ill yet were able to be with us: Debbie, Bonnie, Jack.
(353) That I was able to get some good family pictures.

(354) That everyone co-operated in getting the pictures.

(355) For the family that was unable to be with us as they live in SC and spent time with their families: Aunt Sue and her family.

(356) That we have so much both material and otherwise to be thankful for. God has been so good!

(357) For a good shopping day on Black Friday. Only had one item to get and was able to get it.

(358) For the good time Misty and I had shopping even if we did get up at an unheard of hour.

(359) For running into friends while shopping.

(360) That Jason, Donna and Kenny had a safe trip to Nebraska.

(361) That Aaron and Tasha have help packing up and moving.

(362) That they should be on their way to Tennessee sometime tomorrow.

(363) That I was able to spend the day cleaning yesterday. Things had gotten a little behind and it feels good to get them done.

(364) That Charlie helped me clean.

(365) That though I still have a lot to do, it's not as much as I started with.

(366) That I got all my Christmas presents wrapped.

(367) For the privilege of decorating the church for the holidays.

(368) For being able to do the bulletin board at church.

(369) For knowing that it is done.

(370) For heat. Got up this morning and our heat wasn't working. It was cold in this house. I do not like being cold.

(371) That it was something minor and easy to fix.

(372) For the service at church this morning.

(373) For a good, quick, Sunday dinner.

(374) That I have one more day off from work.

(375) That I get to go with Misty tomorrow to find out if the baby is a boy or girl.

(376) That this baby will make 9 grandkids I have been blessed with.

(377) For the opportunity to be a grandma. It is so much fun!

(378) For the blessings that come with the job. There is nothing like it.

(379) For the hope of even more grandbabies. After all, I did have 6 kids and these grandkids are just from 4 of those kids. And some of those have just got started, so I'm sure they'll be more.

1 comment:

  1. Ms. Teresa
    We are thankful for you as well. You always do a lovely job with the decorating! The bulletin board was beautiful as well as everything else. God Bless!
