Saturday, November 21

Day 21 of 30 Days of Thankfulness

I'm Thankful

(211)  For a day to myself.

(212)  For the chance to go shopping, and not have to worry about Christmas.  That shopping is all done.

(213)  For another beautiful fall day, so warm I rode with the windows down.

(214)  For the idea the Lord gave me for the bulletin board at church.  It's not always easy coming up with new ideas.

(215)  That Malachi was home for the weekend.

(216)  That we spent the evening with Seth & Pamela.

(217)  That I got a lot of laundry done.

(218)  For buying groceries.  There was once a time in my life that it was hard to come up with grocery money to feed a family with a house full of kids.  Many times, $20.00 was hard to come up with.

(219)  For the money to buy groceries.  I spend more than $20 these days and there are a lot less of us in the house.

(220)  That through those lean years, God taught me many lessons.

(221)  For the lesson of frugality, and making money and meals stretch.

(222)  For the lesson of thanfulness.  God taught me to be thankful for what I do have, and not to worry so much about what I don't have.

(223)  For the blessings of the coming Christmas.  One year, we had two kids and exactly ten dollars to spend on Christmas gifts for both of them.  This year the Lord allowed me to buy for all 18 members of my immediate family and a few others.

(224)  That there are 18 members of my immediate family.  God has blessed us so much!

(225)  For the lessons in setting priorities and judging which things should come first.

(226)  For the widsom and guidance He's given us through the years.

(227)  That some of these lessons I learnt the first time, and haven't had to repeat.

(228)  That some lessons I had to repeat until I got it.

(229)  That I can see the lessons in the things I face. 

(230)  For the knowledge that everything I have came from God.

(231)  That He has watched over, cared for and provided us with all that we need for the past 29 years.

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