Monday, November 16

Day 16 of 30 Days of Thankfulness

I'm Thankful

(122)  That I woke up feeling alot better today.  Still have a headache.

(123)  That I made it to work on time.

(124)  That the sun is shining.

(125)  That my workload isn't overwhelming this week.

(126)  For tasks completed.

(127)  For windows that open.

(128)  For cool breezes blowing.

(129)  For the smell of fresh air.

(130)  For kind words spoken.

(131)  For work day almost over.

(132)  For the ability to pray for family in time of need.  Tasha's grandmother passed away this morning.

(133)  For words of scripture that come to mind when most needed.

(134)  For the comfort that comes with the words of scripture.

(135)  For songs that play on repeat in my mind.

(136)  For the ability to memorize those words of scripture and song.

(137)  For the Savior we sing about.

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