I'm Thankful
(380) That all is well with grandbaby #9, who weighs about 8 oz. at 18 weeks.
(381) That it's a boy!! The boys now out number the girls...again! 5-4
(382) That all is well with Misty.
(383) That Malachi & Misty are both thrilled. They were hoping for a boy.
(384) That Mackeinzie's excited too, she wanted a baby brother. Although she claims she's not changing any diapers. Hmmm, we'll see about that. Time has a way of changing things (pun intended).
(385) That this baby is due in May, not March or June. Abby & Elijah are March babies and Kyra, Owen & Wyatt are June babies. Kylie is January, Keinzie is July and Tristan is September.
(386) That I was able to go with Misty for the ultrasound, as Malachi is working in Ohio and couldn't go.
(387) That they make DVD's of the ultrasound these days, that way Malachi can see it too.
(388) That they also make pictures, so that I can share them.
(389) That I'm the grandma, and not the momma. I love being a momma, but would hate to think I had to do that all over again. Makes me tired just thinking about it.
(390) That being the grandma is so much fun. I just get to enjoy them and love them. I don't have to do all the hard stuff.
(391) That I get to watch my kids do all the hard stuff. It can sometimes be quite amusing.
(392) That I'm not the only one who had to "pay for my raising". My kids get to do it too.
(393) That I often get to see the look on their faces when they realize they are "paying for their raising".
(394) That sometimes they find it amusing too.
(395) That I can see them, and their siblings, in their kids.
(396) That sometimes they say "I know, Momma, I know". Saves me having to say "I told you so".
(397) That I can laugh at them, because I've been there.
(398) That one day, Lord willing, they'll be where I am watching their kids.
(399) That Aaron and the caravan are in Kentucky. It's that much closer to Tennessee.
(400) That soon, my whole family will be residents of Tennessee once again.
(401) That I will be able to see them often, not just maybe twice a year.
(402) That I realize how blessed I am.
(403) That even though I have to go back to work tomorrow, there are only 4 work days left in this week.
(405) That the Christmas celebrations begin this week, with the Prayer Sister Banquet and the Ladies Banquet at Rachel's church.
(406) That I will get to hear Rachel speak at her banquet, as she's the featured speaker.
(407) That I did the 30 Days of Thankfulness.
(408) That I am more aware of all the things I have to be thankful for.
(409) That most of the things I have to be thankful for are not material things. Material things are great, and make life so much more comfortable, but they don't last near as long as these other blessings. Some of them are eternal.
(410) That I know that if I have all these other things, I can do without alot of material things. They are just not that important.