Tuesday, June 9

More Good News

Wendell posted this this morning:
Maybe Home Wednesday The Dr's came in this morning (and when I say Dr's I mean Dr's in a herd) and they seem to think if Debbie can swallow today, they will send us home tomorrow without a feeding tube and she will be able to eat and drink well enough to continue heeling. The dressing on her arm will be changed and she will wear it for an additional 3 days and we can remove it at home or camping whichever. She says she did not sleep well at all. I would not know because I aired up my mattress and crashed about 10:30 last night, waking up only once in the night and then not again until the herd came in at 6:45. We are excited about the possibility of coming home. We both seem to think that will help her tremendously. Thanks for your prayers, calls and visits. Hope you all have a great day and please continue praying for Debbie, Granny Adkisson, Bro. and Sister Rose. We love you all.Wendell

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