Thursday, June 18

Front Yard Football

Front yard football games used to be a regular occurence at my house. But with the passing of time and children growing up and moving away, it doesn't happen so often anymore. There was one the other day, though, so I grabbed my camera.
The players: Seth, Luke, Anthony (Seth's friend) Malachi, Shawn (next door neighbor) Jason and Michael (friend)
Anthony blocking Jason
Have you noticed how fashion conscious my boys are?
Check out Jason's look.

And then there's Malachi. Don't you know it's the height of fashion to play football in boots? And by all means, don't hide the boots with your pants leg! Shawn & Malachi just can't figure it out.

Quit texting and play, Luke!

There goes Malachi, boots and all!

Game over, and he's still texting!

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