Monday, June 22

B & W Company Picnic

Charlie works for B & W Clinch River. They had their company picnic in Oak Ridge a couple of weekends ago. They had several things for the kids to do, including a climbing wall. This is some of our group standing around at the climbing wall.
Pamela, (Seth's girlfriend), Misty, Seth & Malachi Malachi & Spook and a couple of other employees
Boone & Luke
My three boys were the first in our group to try it out. They decided to race. That's Luke on the left, then Malachi and Seth.
Ready, set... GO!
And they're off, with Luke in the lead.
Seth's bringing up the rear.
Luke & Malachi are neck and neck But Malachi found the buzzer before Luke.
And the winner is...Malachi!
Kyra & Keinzie climbed the wall too. Kyra actually climbed it 4 times before she was through

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