Sunday, May 10

Mother's Day

This Mother's Day has been different.
A first.
The first Mother's Day after Mom went home to be with Jesus.
I sat on the porch swing this evening, listening to the quiet and the birds singing, and thought how different it was. I would always go to Mom's on Sunday evening between church services to wish her a Happy Mother's Day and take her a gift. I couldn't do that today. But as I was sitting there thinking about it, I also thought that this Mother's Day was a first for Mom too.
This Mother's day, for the first time in 24 years, Mom could be spending it with her Mom.
I know that today wasn't an easy day for my two sisters, either. We met yesterday and had lunch and then went to the cemetery to take flowers for Mom's grave. It was the first time since Mom's funeral that the three of us had been together. I truly enjoyed spending time with them. You know, of all the things my mother ever gave me, the thing I am most thankful for is my sisters, Debbie and Kim. I love you both, and hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day. I was hunting for this picture, one of the last made that we could find of our family, and came across this one. I just had to end this post with it. It made me smile and cry, all at the same time.

I Love You, MOM!


  1. What a sweet post, Teresa! Hope you enjoyed a happy mother's day. I'm so thankful to still have my mom...I can't imagine being without her.
    God bless ya, Friend!

  2. These are precious words, Teresa. It IS so hard to let a parent go, but it's so wonderful knowing what a time they're having!

  3. Debbie6:59 PM

    This made me laugh and cry all at the same time too. The picture of Mom is so good! She has always been such a beautiful woman. That "Christmas" picture taking adventure is a good memory too!
