Thursday, January 1

Ringing In The New Year

After everyone finished opening their presents and eating and playing awhile, our numbers dwindled down. Aaron, Tasha, Wyatt, Kylie, Malachi, Misty, Papaw and I settled in to wait on the new year. Rounds of pool and Battle of the Sexes were played,
Wyatt entertained us with his smiling,
performed a few tricks,
(If I hadn't personally given the stinker two bottles myself, I'd think they weren't feeding him)
and Kylie played with her gift from Uncle Jace. She may not have got a drum set, but she did get a makeup set. She gave Mammy and Misty manicures, Mommy a make over,
and she got one herself. Even Uncle Malachi got in on the fun.
Doesn't she look bea-u-ti-ful!!

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