Sunday, June 29

Updated Blog

Tasha has updated her blog. It's now "Kylie Brook and David Wyatt". To view it and see more pics of Kylie and Wyatt, click on the link on the right side of the page.

Back Home in Tennessee

We left Aaron & Tasha's at 5:30 Friday morning and made it back home about 10:00 Friday night. I miss them all already! But, as always, it's good to be home again.

2 Weeks Old & Growing

Wyatt turned 2 weeks old today and went for his 2 week checkup. He weighs 7 lbs and 1.8 ounces and is 21 inches long. In 2 weeks he grew an inch and a half!

Monday, June 23

Playing With Kylie

Kylie and I made plans weeks ago to play on her swingset when I came to visit. We did just that.
Every time I would snap a picture, Kylie would have to get of the swing, come see the picture and then hop back on the swing to get pushed again.
Being a little monkey.
While we played on the swing, Aaron & Seth took turns trying to bean each other with Kylie's ball. Snapped a couple more of Wyatt once he woke up.
And one of Kylie.

Sunday, June 22

Gone North to Nebraska

We left for Nebraska Saturday morning about 7 a.m. and made it to Aaron & Tasha's about 9 p.m. our time.Good to get out of the car and see my grandbabies (Aaron & Tasha too, of course!) This morning when Kylie got up, she had to be a princess. Adorable, isn't she? The little princess even made her papaw "breakfast", cereal and eggs and bacon.
And here's little Wyatt. The pictures do not do justice to the head full of black hair. Turns out he's 19 1/2 inches long. He's a wiggler, so it's hard to get a picture before he's wiggling everywhere. And Kylie says he "squeaks".
I'll post more as I take them.

Kyra, Elijah & Owen

These are some pics I took of Kyra, Elijah and Owen when I kept them after the birthday party.

Friday, June 20

Kyra & Owen's Birthdays

Kyra's 6th birthday is today and
Owen's 2nd birthday is the 26th.
Rachel had their birthday party this
past Saturday at Frozen Head State Park. Kyra requested a "Creation" party. (She's been stuck on creation since Bible School) She also requested a "world" birthday cake. So, that's what Mammy made her.
Owen likes frogs so I made him
a small frog cake.
They were both pleased with the results. Here they are blowing out their candles.

And opening their presents.

5 Down, 1 To Go!

Lucas graduated high school on May 22. We are so proud of him! For the first time in 21 years, I only have one child in school. Hallelujah! Seth will be a freshman in the 2008-09 school year.
That's Luke on the second row, in the middle.
That's Luke on the end of the second row, getting ready to walk around and get his diploma.
Luke and his girlfriend, Jessica All of us that were able to make it to graduation.
(Except Nanny & Papaw Tom. They left as soon as the program was over, before we lined up for pictures.) Ashley (Seth's then girlfriend, things change fast with that boy), Charlie, Seth, Rachel, Owen, Luke, Jessica, Me, Misty, Malachi, Elijah and Kyra

Monday, June 16

Pictures From Baccalaureate

Luke & his friends Luke & Andrew, one of my other boys Luke & Jessica
Luke & Joe
They started Kindergarten together at Fellowship when Luke was 5 and Joe 4.
Joe graduates next year.