Friday, June 20

5 Down, 1 To Go!

Lucas graduated high school on May 22. We are so proud of him! For the first time in 21 years, I only have one child in school. Hallelujah! Seth will be a freshman in the 2008-09 school year.
That's Luke on the second row, in the middle.
That's Luke on the end of the second row, getting ready to walk around and get his diploma.
Luke and his girlfriend, Jessica All of us that were able to make it to graduation.
(Except Nanny & Papaw Tom. They left as soon as the program was over, before we lined up for pictures.) Ashley (Seth's then girlfriend, things change fast with that boy), Charlie, Seth, Rachel, Owen, Luke, Jessica, Me, Misty, Malachi, Elijah and Kyra

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