Thursday, August 17

Another Poem

On This Road
Many things have happened,
upon the road of life.
Lots of joys and laughter,
some heartaches and some strife.
But all along this journey,
one thing's been tried and true;
God has walked beside me,
in everything I do.
When troubles come along the way
and times have gotten tough,
He whispers peace so sweet to me,
and that is just enough
To give me strength I need today,
and with His precious grace
The trials ahead are not so bad,
that I can't bravely face.
I know that He is with me,
each step that I must take,
With loving arms around me,
His love will not forsake.
I thank Him for the many things,
the great, and yes, the small
And with a very grateful heart,
I praise Him for them all!

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